Any of the World Theatre Traditions listed below
can be used for the Research Presentation Legacy Course 2023
Additional Theatre Traditions you may want to research are:
Noh Theatre
Cantonese, Yueju and Peking Opera
Punch and Judy Puppets
Karagozi Shadow Puppets
Wayang Golek Puppetry
Kyogen Farce
Talchum Mask Dance
Hun Lakhon Lek Puppetry
Karagoz Shadow Puppetry
Comedy and Tragedy (Ancient Greece)
Comedy and Tragedy (Ancient Rome)
Topeng Dance
Yuan Drama or Zaju
Khayal Al-zill Shadow Puppets
English Renaissance Theatre
Victorian Melodrama
Comedy Of Manners or Restoration Comedy
Medieval Mystery Plays
French Farce
Barong Dance
Rakugo "Sit Down" Theatre
Khon Dance Drama