The Collaborative Project
You will create an original piece of theatre with a group
(minimum of two persons, maximum of 6 persons per group).
The piece will be 13-15 minutes in length.
You will use one of the following as your starting point:
An Event
An Idea, issue, question or theme
An Image or photograph
A Non-dramatic text
An Object
A Person
A Piece of music
A Site
Street art
Graphic novel
Newspaper Headline
As a group you must create a clear artistic intention and highlight how your piece will impact the audience.
You will submit a process portfolio, which is a maximum of 15 pages. This documents your own approaches and skills in detail. It should have a table of contents and numbered pages. It will also contain headed sections.
You MUST include the following information:
Your personal context
- Identifying your own skills, approaches and interests in theatre.
Research into a professional company
- You should look at a professional company that creates and stages original pieces of theatre. You should consider how this could be used to influence your own approach to the collaboration. Discuss this in detail in your portfolio.
- Discuss the formation of your group and the exploration of the starting point (ensure you include significant information on your target audience and your intentions for the piece).
- Include detailed accounts that describe the collaborative development of your piece and the specific explorations led by you.
- Provide descriptions and evaluations of your contribution to the final 13-15 minute presentation, considering the impact on the audience, your artistic choices and your fulfillment of intentions. (these must be seen in the video, as the examiner will use this as evidence). Also, consider your own specific artistic choices.
- Provide and discuss feedback that you received from your target audience. Depending who this is, consider HOW you collect your feedback.
Remember you MUST acknowledge and reference all your sources.
The second part of the assessment is the submission of a video, which can be a continuous 4 minutes long, OR an edited version containing no more than two key moments.
It should be of the final performance, but can start from any point. The video will be used to see if you have achieved what you said you have, along with proving the skills you have learned.
Photo - West Sound Academy production of Secret in the Wings